A table is a table, your bank account is real, and the universe is not simulated. Truth is truth, and I'm here to help you grow as a person for the purpose of making money and buying freedom. I'd love to get to know you, or we can dive right in to you writing a simple HTML page and deploying it the Web. You'll have a link you can send out to the world to know where to find your work in the future

I believe the following rabit holes may describe vistitors, and there are some options you may like to consider! Although I've gone deep into many of these rabit holes, I may not recommend them currently. Grow forever and grow strong!

CLICK HERE if you like me to quit being abstract and show you how to build on the web.
The text in the square blue pills changes color when I hover over it
I can't seem to make ends meet. Participating in capitalism seems like the wrong way to go.
I'm a winner, always am, always will be
I believe in the one true God!
I do not want to live in Rainbowland, and you can't MAKE ME LIVE IN RAINBOW LAND! THIS IS AMERICA!!
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3
blue pill 3